Logan – Waiting

Logan and AJ on FaceTime with Big John from the hospital

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Results of Logan’s bone marrow and spinal procedures on Friday (Sep 17) are promising. However, treatment is waiting on confirming the type of leukemia that needs to be treated, and that requires a review by pathologists on Monday. That means today is a day of hold, a day of waiting, a day of prayer.

News of Logan’s disease is now being spread. To extended family, friends and workers. The love that is coming back in return is so genuine and heartwarming that it cannot help but lift spirits. I need AJ and Amanda to know that so many people are praying for them and Logan that God is hearing those prayers in stereo. Prayers for their strength. For the skill and compassion of the medical team. For healing.

I so appreciate the prayers but let me tell you I am angry. Angry at God that these prayers are needed at all. Logan is so little. Can someone explain to me why a 9-month-old has cancer? So, I am in the position of both being angry at God and praying to him. Nope, does not make sense. And yet, there it is. I wish I were a better Catholic and understood scripture better and could have some sort of theological explanation for this.

And so while my faith is being tested, technology is helping. FaceTime is our connection right now. This technology brought people together during the pandemic and is now allowing us to see and hear Logan and AJ and Amanda. For both our grandsons Griffin and Logan, they know what a FaceTime call sounds like. They grew up with it. When dialed, they both expect there to be a familiar face on the other end, and we do our best to answer so that we can see their smile. When either Griffin or Logan sees me or Donna through FaceTime and smiles, well, it is just the best. For now, I’ll take FaceTime, while I hope soon to be on the floor with Logan playing again.