Logan -Remission, still

Logan swinging at Mimi & Big John’s house


Logan is still in remission, praise the Lord! His 1-month blood test was this past Wednesday. And remission is as good as it gets for cancer patients who recently completed five rounds of chemotherapy. Logan will have monthly blood tests for the next year. And I imagine each month the family will be on edge as the test approaches. For now, though, we rejoice!

As part of the blood testing, Logan’s ANC levels were tested to check out his immune system. Good news on that front as well. His levels increased to the point that Mimi Donna and Big John could see him again. The picture above is Logan swinging in front of our home on Friday. Logan absolutely loved this simple play and could not stop smiling and giggling. I could not stop smiling, either.

The House

Can you see the beautiful kitchen? Neither can I – moving day!

This week was also joyous because Amanda and A.J. finally closed on their new home. The home was contracted to be built waaaay back in February 2021. So, ‘only’ 15 months to build. Problems are well known. Labor shortages. Supply chain delays. That the extended home build coincided with Logan’s leukemia made it that much more difficult to endure. Their nomadic life between the hospital, Chris/Casey’s, Big John/Mimi’s and Kim/Mike’s is coming to an end.

Now Amanda and A.J. are unpacking boxes and preparing the home. UV light air cleaners have been installed in the HVAC units in the attic; thank you, Uncle Kevin! HEPA filters are running throughout the inside of the home. Everything that can be done to make the house clean for Logan is being done.

Getting back to normal, whatever that is these days.