Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Donna watches Griffin on Wednesdays for Bridget and Connor. I decided that I wanted to take Griffin to the Dallas Zoo on Wednesday, so that’s what we did. It was absolutely gorgeous, sunny and in the 70’s. It was a great day, or at least while Griffin lasted, a great morning.
And I wanted Logan to be there with us. I felt guilty that we were at the zoo and he was not. You see, everything is now framed from the perspective of Logan and Austin and Amanda. Why are they not with us? Why is Logan not seeing the elephants and warthogs and feeding the giraffes? While we are at the zoo, Donna and I are completely present and enjoying it. It’s only when Griffin went home for the day that we reflect, and we KNOW that something is missing.
That is the insidious nature of a life-threatening disease. How do you carry 0n with those around us while your sweet grandson is in the fight of his life? Well for one, I am not going to allow the devil to win. And yes, I specifically refer to the devil, Satan. He is NOT going to manipulate me into a depression. He is not going to take the joy out of life. I am going to experience all the emotions that I need to experience, happy or sad, with my family and friends. I am here for Logan. I am here for Griffin. I am here for Amanda and AJ and Kevin and Jeff and Bridget and Connor and Donna and my Mom and Dad and the list goes on.
Fuck off, Satan. We are buying a zoo membership to take Griffin with his cousin Logan to the zoo, together, when Logan is well enough to join us.
I am echoing your comment !
Fuck Off Satan !! And take your band of demons with you !!
Deb Hood