Logan, Halfway thru Round 1

Logan & Amanda today, halfway through chemo round 1

So far so good. In this long journey of multiple chemotherapy rounds, Logan is on day 6 of 10 in round 1. The number of drugs is decreased, and the daily rhythm of twice-daily infusions continues through Sunday. Then Logan’s immune system will be non-existent. About seventeen days later, we hope that his immune system will have recovered to the point that they all can leave the hospital for a few days. Then, round 2 begins.

As you can see from the photo of Logan and Amanda, Logan looks great. The whale bandana Logan is wearing is dual purpose. To catch drool as Logan is cutting teeth, and as an additional barrier to Logan trying to mess around with the central line in his chest. He is eating normally and is his normal happy little self, for which we are all very grateful. The chemo drugs are not having significant side effects. When I asked AJ about that he said that kids seem to do pretty well with the treatment. Thank you, Jesus!

Our lifeline continues to be FaceTime. The objective is always to get Logan to smile at Big John and Mimi, and he never disappoints.

5 thoughts on “Logan, Halfway thru Round 1”

  1. Besides my prayers, lam putting him on the prayer chain at church. Best wishes for all of you.

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