Logan, Muggles & Crying

Logan’s shirt designed by Aunt Bridget

Family and friends are daily asking what they can do to help Logan and parents Amanda and AJ. Prayer, always, is appreciated. More tangible efforts are admittedly few. Some have provided food for them at the hospital or DoorDash gifts so Amanda and AJ can order as they wish – and we hope to organize food to a greater extent for future hospital stays. Of course, please donate blood and blood products – and register as a bone marrow donor – if you are able.

Muggles Against Cancer

And now there is “Muggles Against Cancer.” My daughter Bridget is a crafter and designed the above shirt for sale as a fundraiser. Logan’s family loves fantasy books and movies, so the theme is perfect. And there are myriad expenses that Amanda and AJ are seeing as a result Logan’s illness. When talking to Bridget last Friday evening as she was finalizing the shirt and post, she mentioned, “Well, maybe a thousand bucks can be raised for them. Wouldn’t that be great?” And I agreed.

Fast forward to Monday, today, a few short days later. 120 shirts have been sold and over $5,000 has been raised through both shirt sales and straight donations. Unbelievable. Thank you so much! These sorts of things are hard to predict, and it was just hoped to get enough ordered shirts to meet the production minimum. To get the campaign to this level was not expected. And it’s about more than money. It’s also about community, and support. So when the t-shirts are produced and delivered, we would love to see pictures posted on social media with you and yours modeling the shirts – and tag Amanda and AJ so they can feel the love. Know that Logan is doing well, smiling, and waiting for his blood counts to recover from the chemo.


So, John, what’s with all the crying? I know that I have mentioned how various aspects of Logan’s journey has caused me to cry. I can tell you that my recent tears are tears of joy as I see what others do for my family. On Saturday morning, I looked at this fundraiser and saw that more than $1,000 had been generated in about 12 hours. And I read some of the comments, and it caused me to cry. Why? Because of everyone’s generosity, their kind words, and their prayers and offers of help. It is just overwhelming to me how wonderful everyone is, and it causes me to consider whether I have supported others in years past to the extent that y’all are supporting my family now. I hope so, but know that I can and will do better.

If you wish, donations or shirt purchases are through Custom Ink. The campaign closes November 7.