Logan, Hair!

Logan & Big John. Logan receiving red blood.

Red Blood and Platelets

More waiting this week, as Logan’s body works its way through the trough of low blood counts. He received both red blood cells and platelets each a couple of times. Logan has tolerated these infusions quite well.

The red blood infusions take 3 hours, and that is a LONG time for a 15-month-old to stay in one place. So waiting until Saturday morning to start the infusion might not have been the best plan. But Logan needed the blood. And thanks to the Disney+ movies of “101 Dalmatians” and “Lady and the Tramp” the infusion was completed with no issues. Movies with dogs are preferred, you see.

There is a lot going on in the picture above. The line with the red blood running across me. The iPad with 101 Dalmatians. Logan with the polar bear from the safari truck. (Polar bear & safari truck, what can I say?) A “breakfast” plate with sausage, french fries and pizza… if Logan will eat it, well, we order it for him. He needs whatever calories he will consume. And a turned-over play table in the back corner. Remember, a 15-month-old.

My Saturday morning time with Logan was fantastic, and both Donna and I are happy to be able to see him. While Donna and I have rotated back in as helpers, Kim and Mike are rotating out, so it is a team effort. Aunt Casey and Uncle Chris relieved me yesterday afternoon and again spent a Saturday night with Logan. This is a massive gift of love and time that is so needed and so appreciated. And Amanda and A.J. continue to be amazing examples of strength and partnership and love.


A close-up of Logan’s re-growing hair

Donna and I have been both keeping to ourselves for the last 10 days and liberally using N-95 masks. This is what allowed us to safely return to the hospital. Donna spent Thursday and Friday there, arriving early to allow Amanda and A.J. to go to Kim and Mike’s house to work/sleep. I relieved Donna late Thursday afternoon, and immediately noticed that Logan’s hair was growing again.

Logan was born with beautiful blonde hair. And seeing it sprout back among his remaining wispy longer hairs is a triumph. I cannot help but think of Spring, and Easter – and yes Logan’s hair – as signs of re-birth and joy and hope. We wait with optimism for hospital discharge.

2 thoughts on “Logan, Hair!”

  1. I love seeing his little fuzzy head! I continue to pray for you all every day. Peace be with you all!

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