Update – Round 4 infusions complete
Logan completed his round 4 chemo infusions yesterday. Thankfully the infusions are over, as this was a particularly difficult round for him. Two chemo drugs were administered and they overlapped for a couple of tough days. One of the drugs was super-nasty for Logan to endure. He is expected to stay in the hospital for about 40 days total for round 4 which means about 33 more days. Donna and I were with Logan yesterday morning when the oncologist visited. He noted that the “long and boring” wait is beginning for Logan’s immune system to bottom out and recover. “And we like long and boring,” the doctor said.
Logan is already seeming his old self, with a smile every now and then. The real Logan has been buried under toxic drugs, and we are grateful to see him reemerging. He is beginning to eat solid food again after several days of not. Logan even rejected a cinnamon roll several days ago. You know a child is ill when they turn their nose up at a cinnamon roll.
Big John’s Visit

My cold symptoms finally disappeared, and so both Donna and I were able to visit with Logan yesterday. Different that Donna’s first visit earlier this week, Logan accepted me from the start upon my return. Again, an indicator that he was just not doing well earlier in the week with the strong chemo drugs.
Donna and I arrived on Saturday morning so Amanda and AJ could leave the hospital. We were able to play and nap with Logan. On Saturday he slept peacefully during his morning nap. Much different than what Donna experienced early in the week when Logan was sleeping fitfully and moaning – literally moaning – during his sleep. So resilient Logan is, as I imagine all the kids with cancer fighting through treatment.
Chris and Casey
Amanda and AJ have been successful in their desire to have a family member with Logan all the time while he is hospitalized. Round 1 was all Amanda and A.J., a difficult and stressful task. Since round 2 began, Logan has seen a team of family members visit, those who are able to quarantine. I have written about my and Donna’s visits, as well as the visits of Amanda’s parents Kim and Mike. We try and be available when the other set of grandparents are not. Other family members in town have work obligations that make quarantining and visiting the hospital impossible. However, Amanda’s brother Chris’ and his wife Casey’s work and home circumstances have allowed them to remain quarantined. Their support has been awe-inspiring.
While the grandparents are happy to visit the hospital during the day, Chris and Casey have taken shifts over Saturday night! Like yesterday arriving early Saturday afternoon to take over from me and Donna and then leaving today on Sunday afternoon. These sleepovers are on top of coming for a few hours an evening or two during the week. What I believe Amanda and AJ most need now is sleep and the downtime that accompanies it. And Chris and Casey providing a 24-hour respite from the hospital is the absolute best gift that can be given. Donna and I are incredibly grateful for these huge gestures of love and time. Thank you, Chris and Casey!
May God bless you all with healing and peace❤️
I love that Logan is in such good hands. I wish that I could be there to take some shifts and relieve you all a little. Although I have never met little Logan, I love him and I’m sending a huge safe hug to him (and the rest of you).
God it hurts my heart heating how this little gut has had to suffer. I know that as a grandparent myself, we want to take that pain on instead of them. Continued prayers for Logan and for the whole family. May God grant you peace and restore Logan back to hea L th.
I feel a tug at my heart each time I read an update on Logan, John. This beautiful grandson of yours has an incredible support system & his journey is inspiring. I will continue to pray that during Logan’s long & boring wait, his health is restored so this child can enjoy life with his amazing family❤️