Logan – Chemo Round 4

Mimi and Logan, Round 4


Logan started Chemo Round 4 this Monday, January 3 and the chemicals quickly impacted him. His typically happy mood is rare these days, and his smiles are infrequent. Logan just doesn’t feel well. He’s tired. And with the treatment, nausea from the chemicals have him vomiting once or twice a day. As I have written in the past, anything that leaves Logan’s body during chemo is chemo-laced. So, chemo poo, chemo pee, and chemo vomit. When Logan vomits, that means cleaning – everything. Logan needs his skin washed. All clothing and bedding need to be washed. AJ and/or Amanda need to shower. And when it happens at night, well, then, that’s a lot of activity as the rest of us sleep.

Mimi & Big John at the hospital

Donna and I have quarantined and tested negative for COVID, so we are clear to help out at the hospital . Kinda. I have been sick with a cold for the past week. The Teladoc virtual doctor yesterday was emphatic that I was to not go near the hospital until my symptoms are gone. A couple of days more, methinks, before I can actually go to work (and mask up) and be able to visit the hospital to hang with Logan.

But Donna returned to the hospital and spent part of yesterday and today there with Logan. With Amanda working (remote while in the hospital room) and AJ up at night, Donna’s visits allow AJ to come to our home, wash chemo-soaked clothing and bedding, and sleep. He needs it. He started a load of laundry today then was down for 3+ hours. When he woke AJ noted that he had been awake since 2am.

I write the above to describe what is happening, to give a sense of what is experienced with chemotherapy treatments. It is substantial, as it is for every person and family with cancer. Yes, Logan is in remission and that is awesome. But going through each chemo round is a struggle. A struggle for Logan, and a struggle for his parents Amanda and A.J. Please pray for them.

4 thoughts on “Logan – Chemo Round 4”

  1. We are keeping you all in our hearts and prayers. As a former peds nurse I totally get it and send you so much love & care. Little Logan sounds like a fighter. Hang in there all of you and may Gods arms wrap around you and comfort you. โค๏ธ

  2. Dearest Donna and your family
    Logan is in my thoughts and prayers
    That he will soon recover.
    He has the best support family anyone could ask for.
    Bless Logan

  3. Heidi and Lottie are praying for Baby Logan ! We will not stop lifting Logan up daily ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Amanda , you and your family are very Important to us ! We love you and we will not stop lifting you all up in prayer . May God bless you and keep you safe.
    Love in Christ Jesus

  4. This little man is so fortunate to have a sharing family that love and care for him! Prayers for your continuing journey. Stay strong! It will get better! Hugs!!

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