Glamour Shot

Mary Beatty at 91, and as St. Laurence Mom

My Mom was involved. Involved in church and school at St. Bede’s Parish, and in the Mother’s Club at St. Laurence High School. Her model of service has certainly guided me to be a part of my community.

The St. Bede Altar Guild was a service/social organization for women of the parish. During my recent visit to Chicago we enjoyed pizza from Vito & Nick’s, and Mom recounted that after the St. Bede Altar Guild meetings, the “meeting after the meeting” would be held at Vito & Nicks. (Best thin crust pizza in Chicago, by the way, to this day.)

As for St. Laurence, the Mother’s Club always had schemes (events?) to raise money for the school. Among them every year there was a dinner with a talent show sort of program, and the Moms would sing and dance. The picture Mom is holding is one of the glamour shots that were taken of the performers for the program. Gotta be fun, right? What I would pay for a video of any one of those shows.

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