Logan- Latest Test Results, Hospital Life

Logan napping on Mimi during his 3rd chemo round

Latest Test Results – Remission!

After every round of chemo, Logan is tested to measure his level of cancer cells, if any. Logan had both a lumbar puncture for a spinal fluid test and a bone marrow aspiration to test the marrow. Results are just in after round 2 was completed, and Logan remains in remission with no sign of cancer! This is, again, as good as can be hoped for and is an answer to our/your prayers. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers on behalf of Logan and Amanda and AJ. Each step is another to his return to the non-medical world of being a kid, and we are thrilled.

Still, though, there are five total rounds of chemotherapy that he must endure. Logan just finished – at 3am Monday – his last dose of chemo from the third round. The rest of December will be needed in the hospital for his body to recover from that treatment. Logan’s sense of taste has been affected by this round of chemo, so food has not been all that appetizing to him. This is such a change from just before he went back into the hospital – Logan was an eating machine. Now, blueberries are one of the few foods that Logan will eat. Even mini-nilla wafers get a head shake “no” from Logan. This is shocking given how many nilla wafers he ate over the Thanksgiving weekend. But taste will return, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Diaper Changes

The chemo drugs are nasty. So nasty that while Logan is on chemo, diaper changes require special precautions for the caregivers and Logan. Gloves are used for those changes, and Logan’s bottom and groin area are washed so that any residual chemicals that were expelled do not harm his skin. Then butt paste is used after every change, to coat the skin and provide some protection. Good news is that over the next several days the chemo drugs will work their way out of Logan’s body. And of course, Logan’s diapers are weighed so that the staff can measure his “in’s and out’s.” I’m still getting used to someone wanting to weigh a used diaper…


I mentioned this early on, but it bears repeating. Speech, play, and occupational therapy visits happen almost daily with Logan and other babies. Development of the young ones is certainly impacted by the treatments and extended hospital stays. Donna and I were present when speech therapy visited on Saturday, and the assessment and ideas that the speech pathologist had were amazing. Logan has lost a few of the words that he previously spoke, and now all of us caring for him are armed to properly encourage his speech and word development. Logan has the fundamentals – just needs a bit more practice.


Amanda and AJ have spent countless hours at the hospital. And extended family who have been quarantined have provided breaks to them. This means that Logan has always had at least one family member – mostly two – with him 24/7 while he has been in the hospital. Simply wonderful. We are all grateful that personal and work circumstances allow this, because this is not the case for some young patients.

One nurse shared with us that some babies are alone for as many as 20 hours per day. The staff does their best to be with them, but the nurses have multiple patients to care for. All sorts of circumstances get in the way of such family visiting for some patients. Think of work demands, siblings who require care, distance from extended family. So we know that we are blessed to be able to spend the time with Logan. Please pray for those babies and families who are struggling with hospital care.

Your kind words, thoughts and prayers are so uplifting and appreciated. Thank you.

3 thoughts on “Logan- Latest Test Results, Hospital Life”

  1. My prayers continue for Logan and all of you – what a wonderful family and your faith in God will give comfort.

    When my oldest grand daughter (17 now) had kidney failure when she was one year and 8 months we spent more time in Cook’s children than anywhere else ( they are amazing)

    Then the power of healing – her kidneys suddenly kicked in and she hasn’t had a problem since,

  2. What wonderful news!!
    My prayers continue for a complete cure and no permanent side effects from the treatment.

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