Logan, Chemo No More

Logan via FaceTime, w/ Amanda in background, & A.J.’s donut-sugar pants + Big John

Chemo Complete

As of this afternoon, Saturday March 12, Logan received his last dose of chemo via 2 injections in his thigh. This is the second of two identical series of the Round 5 chemo protocol, one week apart. These last 2 shots followed the four loooong 3-hour infusions of chemo drugs over the previous 48 hours. We are praying for no more chemo ever, with “remission” all we hear from future blood draws.

While the chemo is complete, Round 5 is not. Now the wait begins for Logan’s blood counts to drop to zero. Then in the absence of any immune system, lethargy follows, and the need for red blood and platelets. (The need for blood donations for Logan and other cancer patients is constant.)

Just after Logan’s last dose of chemo today, both Amanda and AJ’s families joined a celebration Zoom call. This afternoon Casey and Chris delivered champagne and flutes to the hospital for the call. Zoom toasts were made. To the end of chemo. To teamwork. To Amanda and AJ and their dedication to Logan.

The end is in sight.

Better this time around

This 3-day protocol was a repeat of last week’s same regimen when Logan was so sick. He tolerated the chemo this week much, much better than last week. No nausea, no vomiting. And he was also able to tolerate tube feedings. Really necessary since Logan’s weight dropped over the last week. A.J. and Amanda shared that Logan has been hungry but nothing really tastes good to him, so he does not eat much. Tube feedings continue.

Maybe two reasons that Logan tolerated this week’s chemo as compared to last week: Either the now-prescribed IV tylenol to keep his fever down was an absolute necessity. Or he had an infection and/or virus that hit him at the wrong time last week and has since resolved. Logan was for sure diagnosed with C-Diff, a bacterial infection for which he was treated with antibiotics. There was also talk of rotavirus, and since it is a virus, antibiotics are of no help. Whatever the case may be, we are happy that Logan did not have to endure quite so much during this week’s treatment.

Griffin and Logan & AJ via FaceTime

Griffin TV

The picture above shows what A.J. calls “Griffin TV.” Logan is mesmerized by his cousin Griffin during FaceTime calls. Logan stares intently at the screen while Griffin runs around, plays with toys, and babbles away. Griffin stares back. I am genuinely looking forward to the time when these two can be together and play together and get to know each other. That time will soon be here. Griffin happens to be at Mimi Donna’s and Big John’s house this weekend as parents Bridget and Connor are away, so our FaceTime calls are action-packed with the two grandsons.

Now we wait the long wait for Logan’s blood counts to drop to zero, and then for his little body’s bone marrow to recover and start making red and white blood cells. That is weeks away. Chemo is complete, but their hospital stay is not.

Logan Update & Griffin – Choosing

Logan on New Years Day FaceTime with Big John and Mimi


Logan and Amanda and AJ are enjoying a wonderful & long New Year’s week break from the hospital. Discharged last Tuesday, the week is being spent at Amanda’s brother Chris’ and his wife Casey’s home. Round 3 of chemotherapy is complete, and round 4 begins Monday morning. Past the halfway mark on this cancer fighting journey, and the end is in sight! Casey and Chris are wonderful hosts and it is joyful for us to see the love that continues to surround Logan. Amanda’s parents Kim and Mike have been able to visit daily, making it a complete family fun time.

If you have seen any social media pics Logan is now, fully, walking. He was walking a bit – 10 steps or so – during his break between rounds 2 & 3, but now that he has been unleashed again from the 6 foot by 6 foot toddler-containing inflatable pool, Logan is clearly on a mission. Great to see!

Medical issues, of course, are a constant. Early during this week’s hospital break they received word that a blood test showed a too-high level of Logan’s antifungal. Back to the hospital they went, for an unscheduled blood test to validate the concern or deny it. Luckily the drug’s level dropped from the 5-times-higher-then-it-was-supposed-to-be to an acceptable level. The concern? This drug that is supposed to keep Logan from a fungal infection could harm his liver and/or kidneys if at too high a level. Remember this is serious business, and all drugs are poison at too high a level.

Amanda and AJ’s Home Build

Amanda and AJ’s home that is being built in Arlington is a parallel story to this cancer fight. They sold their previous home in Dallas quickly, and their new home is taking about a year to build. Before Logan’s diagnosis Kim and Mike were hosting the temporarily-homeless family in their Bedford home. Now every week AJ and Amanda receive house-build updates as walls go up, electrical is installed and windows enclose the structure. The completion of Logan’s cancer treatment may occur at just about the same time the home is ready. A really, really fresh start would be wonderful, post-chemotherapy in a new home.


Griffin taking a glow-stick bath at Mimi & Big John’s home

Donna and I have not seen Logan in person for some time, as we made the decision to unquarantine for the Christmas holidays so we could celebrate with family and friends. I must tell you that this is harder than I thought it would be because we want to see both Logan and Griffin. We do not like choosing.

I know, know, there are many grandparents who because of distance or other reasons cannot see their grandchildren on a regular basis. But both these boys are here, in this town, minutes away. And whether we like it or not each time we choose to quarantine for Logan, Griffin is left out along other family and friends. And when we choose to unquarantine, Logan is left out. I find it agonizing, and yet I believe we are doing a pretty good job of it.


The Christmas season has been both joyful and unconventional. The Arboretum holiday lights were visited twice. Once with Amanda and AJ and Logan during their earlier break between rounds 2 & 3. And then later with Jeff, Alexis, Bridget, Connor and Griffin. The Dallas Zoo lights were also visited twice. 2021 was just not the year for large family holiday outings. And for us it was about more than the pandemic. Now, we all could not fit in a car together to see the zoo lights in one trip. But Donna and I could sure take grandsons together next year. (All the parents can go have a drink while Mimi and Big go to the zoo lights with the boys. Griffin and Logan have not been able to “be cousins” since treatment began.)

Amanda’s parents Kim and Mike are also balancing things as best they can. Kim helps her elderly parents a great deal, taking them to doctor’s appointments amongst other things. Over the Christmas holidays, Kim and Mike have been visiting with Logan and family. That meant they chose to not be with Kim’s parents. But now Kim and Mike need to unquarantine so that Kim can return to helping her parents.

Kim and Mike’s need to unquarantine prompted Donna and me to begin our quarantine last Tuesday. We both have COVID tests scheduled on Tuesday this week which will allow us to return to seeing Logan and Amanda and AJ. Choreography is needed so that we can all help – and most importantly keep Logan free from infection. I am grateful for Kim and Mike, and to Chris and Casey, for their wonderful support.

Please continue to keep Logan and his parents Amanda and AJ in your prayers as this journey continues. Happy New Year – we intend ours to be!