First Day of School, 1995

A.J., Jeff, Kevin & Bridget

The first pile of polaroids that I picked up to scan were from 1995 and 1996, and this is appropriate to show with 2021 school just recently started. The boys headed to school in Waukesha, WI. Bridget just wanted to be in the picture. We had recently moved from Racine to Waukesha to a home that could house us.

In the background hangs a sign that says “Watermelon 5 cents.” That very sign hangs outside our Texas home right now in 2021, 26 years later. So for as much stuff that I claim to throw or give away, some linger on.

These maskless first-day photos are a stark contrast from photos this year and last. The school kids really are feeling the burden of the pandemic, and I pray that we get back to whatever normal is going to be, for their sake.